indian networks

Posted by balu | | Category: |

    Number of computer networks are planned in india.main networks are given below
    • Organized by indian railway of central government with large computers at each of its nine zonal head quarters and one at railway board delhi.
    • used for commercial and production for indian railway.
    NICNET:                     The  screen shot nicnet webpage 
    • National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a premiere S & T institution of the Government of India, established in 1976, for providing e-Government / e- Governance Solutions adopting best practices, integrated services and global solutions in Government Sector.
    • In 1975, the Government of India strategically decided to take effective steps for the development of information systems and utilization of information resources and also for introducing computer based decision support system (informatics-led development) in government ministries and departments to facilitate planning and programme implementation to further the growth of economic and social development. Following this, the Central Government nucleated a high priority plan project "National Informatics Centre (NIC)" in 1976, and later on with the financial assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the tune of US$4.4 million.
    Ten information systems were planned for development by NIC in the following sectors:
    • Agriculture
    • Construction and Transport
    • Education and Manpower
    • Energy
    • Finance
    • Industry
    • Small-Scale Industries
    • Socio-Economic Index
    • Trade and Media
    • Government Archival Information
    In india it is organized by Tata institute of fundamental research,mumbai for academic institutions and centers of excellence for educational institutes.
    It is organized by Oil and Natural Gas commission(ONGC) at Dehradun,Baroda,calcutta and Nazira. This network is mainly for 
    1. the reservoir modeling (Reservoir modeling In the oil and gas industry, reservoir modeling involves the construction of a computer model of a petroleum reservoir for the purposes of improving estimation of reserves and making decisions regarding the development of the field.)
    1. well logging(Well logging  also known as borehole logging is the practice of making a detailed record (a well log) of the geologic formations penetrated by a bore hole.)
    1. seismic exploration(seismic=of or relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust..)
    They use IBM3083 supercomputer and EC-1061 computer for host network.
    It is organized by Directorate of co-ordination of police compuers(DCPC) with TDC-316 computers in many states of india .The network is used for criminal statistical information system ,finger print system ,arm licensing system and vehicle licensing system.
    It is for the transactions in between detail it is for banking applications and electronic fund transfers.
    It is  network that has been set up as a part of the advanced technology program of the Deparment of electronics,Govt of india and UNDP.
    The objective of this network is to set up an academic and research network in india and to promote communication networking research and training.
    The initial participation in this venture was of five IIT’s,IISc,NCST,and DOE.ERNET is packet switching computer communication network that uses the internet protocols and is fully interconnected with the world wide web. 
    It is a domain especially for educational institutions.The domain is .edu.
    example: site for researchers.

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